The planes were packed and we were pumped to arrive. The first leg done; next was the bus ride to Greenbelt Station and then to the DC Metro link. We opted for this since the other options were over $100... Our version was maybe $35. We'll spend our savings easily elsewhere in DC.

Visited the hotel (Crowne Plaz-Hamilton) and then hit the road to Georgetown, the campus and the infamous Georgetown Cupcakes (aka DC Cupcakes).
We stood in line maybe 30 mins to eat these famous cupcakes (good idea by Emma). It was pretty warm in the line (but not up to Okie standards) and the employees would venture out and provide cool water..

Well, Claire had picked up several cups the "line-people" had left on the ground and into the trash they went.. We ordered our 6 cupcakes (@$2.75 ea). They called our order and BAM! The box was huge.. Looked like a dozen? The checkout gal heard that Claire had picked up cups and gave us (her

Blessings to all!!
-from an undisclosed location
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